Three outstanding researchers from the area of ​​Humanities, Engineering and Biological Sciences of the University of Guadalajara are part of the team.

The council of the University Center of the Coast (CUCosta) presented, in extraordinary session held this Thursday, April 11, the list of candidates for Rector of the Puerto Vallarta campus of the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), as part of the renewal process of authorities for the period 2019-2022.

The proposal is integrated by the investigating professors: doctor Jorge Ignacio Chavoya Gama, Director of the Division of Engineering of the CUCosta; Dr. Jorge Téllez López, Director of the Division of Biological and Health Sciences of CUCosta and Doctor Gloria Angélica Hernández Obledo, Director of the Division of Social and Economic Studies of CUCosta.

The designation of the Rector of the university center corresponds to the General Rector of the UdeG, Dr. Ricardo Villanueva Lomelí, who, according to the Organic Law of the University of Jalisco, must make a decision before May 1.

The Organic Law of the UdeG establishes that the rectors of university centers “are the representatives and first executive authorities”.

The requirements are “having Mexican nationality, be over thirty years of age, hold a bachelor’s degree, be a member of the University’s academic staff with at least three years of seniority, and have recognized academic ability and good reputation”.

“The new rector will be in charge for three years. They may be reelected for one occasion, immediately and after a period of intermission, they may be reelected indefinitely, “stipulates the same law